
Welcome to the ISTS site.
The website contains details of the Indian Society of Tree
Scientists, its activities and publication endeavors.


Journal and Other publications

The society will publish a 'Journal of Tree Science' on annual basis/half yearly. Research and review articles pertaining to any aspect of trees, woody flora and frost products will be welcomed for publication. The authors, whose paper is to be published, should be the member of the society. An ex-gratia copy of journal will be given to the members. However, members whose subscription remains due will not be supplied with a free copy of the journal.

The institution/organization can subscribe to the journal with a payment of Rs, 1500/- p.a. within the Indian sub-continent and U.S. Dollar 100 for other countries.

Editorial Committee

The Governing Body will elect the Editor-in Chief who in turn will nominate the members of the Editorial Committee. This committee will held to maintain the academic standard of the journal.